How to Fight Stress By Learning to Skydive

Skydiving helps decrease stress? What?!

OK, so the title of this post is sort of misleading.  Skydiving by itself probably doesn’t lead to decreased stress (it certainly wouldn’t for me).  BUT, learning a new skill (like skydiving, for example) can be a great way to manage the everyday stressors of life.

I recently came across this article about learning new things:

A piece outlining how the author took up Irish dancing and gained all sorts of wonderful new insights about herself (she was better than she thought she might be, and she became more confident when it came to learning other new skills too).  And low and behold, look what else was in the article:

A quote from an article I wrote 6 years ago about trying new things and the benefits to mental health.

Even though it’s old news on this blog, I still do believe in the importance of learning new things; and putting ourselves in awkward,uncomfortable situations so that we can experience the success of coming out the other side.  As this time of year is gray, cold and generally nasty in most parts of the country this time of year – it can be the perfect opportunity to take skydiving Irish dancing crocheting lessons.

The Picture of Happiness – Dance Jam

May is The Picture of Happiness month on Dr. Stephanie.

Today’s guest is Sarah Zook.  She says:

Pure happiness is sweat, laughter, loud music and choreography. I teach a class called Dance Jam three times a week at Life Time Fitness. We have dancers, stay at home moms, working women, men, wallflowers, all ages – all young at heart. Whether or not they think they’re the worst dancer or best dancer, it never matters. We just come to have fun, and burning lots of calories is the added bonus. You can be whoever you want in a Dance Jam. Dance Jam doesn’t care, Dance Jam helps you let down your hair!

Sweat + music + choreography = happiness for trainer Sarah Zook

Sweat + music + choreography = happiness for trainer Sarah Zook

Here's me at at "Wear your wedding dress bunco party" where we didn't play a lick of Bunco. Just more like wear your wedding dress because it's fabulous. I am a group fitness instructor and personal trainer at Life Time Fitness. I've been fitness teaching and training since 1997 and love seeing people get stronger, more fit, become empowered inside their bodies and be able to have a good time while doing it.

This is Sarah Zook at at “Wear Your Wedding Dress Bunco Party” where she didn’t play a lick of Bunco – but looked fabulous.  She’s a group fitness instructor and personal trainer at Life Time Fitness. She’s been teaching fitness and training since 1997 and loves seeing people get stronger, more fit, and more empowered about their bodies -  and to be able to have a good time while doing it.