It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!
Today’s guest is Megan Schimmelpfennig, she says:
No food brings happiness to me like a warm chocolate chip cookie! So when we discovered our favorite restaurant while living in Arizona, I fell in love when I first tried their pizza cookie dessert… a half-pound of a half-baked chocolate chip cookie topped with vanilla bean ice cream. YUM. Since we have not found anything that compares here in Colorado, I’ve learned to make them at home and I may or may not make them on a weekly basis!

Megan lives in Colorado with her husband and three kiddos, and is excited to be coordinating her church’s very first MOPS group this year. In her ‘spare’ time she coaches her daughter’s basketball team, runs an online children’s boutique, Trendy Tots ~n~ Polka Dots and enjoys writing on her blog, Cherishing Motherhood through Faith, Friendship & Happy Hour.