Preparing for a New Sibling

Several years ago – 6 to be exact – I got a call from a writer from Parenting Magazine.  She was working on a story about how to prepare older siblings for a new baby, and wondered if she might ask me some questions.  It was a fun interview – made even better because I had just found out I was expecting my third child. This meant I was trying to take my own advice at the same time I was giving it!

Anyway, this article has a special place in my heart because of the timing.  Check it out:

My favorite tip:

Who couldn’t use a gift?


Preparing Siblings for a New Baby

A few months back I was interviewed for this story in Parenting Magazine.  The article – Preparing for New Siblings – is in the current issue of Parenting Magazine.  You can also find it on-line here:I think the article turned out nicely, but I want to add another tip.  That is: if you want your kids to be cool with a new sibling, be cool yourself.  By that I mean, try to manage your own anxiety/worries/fears in healthy ways so that they don’t rub off on your older kids.  If you are feeling frantic and uneasy about how your kids will get along with the new babe, you can be sure that your older (and younger!) kids will pick up on it.  If you are confident and easy going, your kids will be more likely to adopt that stance too.  Good luck and enjoy your growing family!