Tax Time Stress

Only about a week and a half remains until Tax Day.  A time of universal stress.

Will I have to pay?

Do I have all the documents I need?

Will I get enough of a refund to pay off my debts?

Will I be able to get my return filed before the deadline?

These are some of the more immediate stressors around this time of year.  But tax season can also bring up larger financial worries that plague a huge percentage of Americans.

Do I have enough saved for retirement?

Am I spending too much each year?

Are my partner and I on the same page in terms of financial goals?

A few years ago I spoke with Live Science about how to manage some of the stressors of tax time – and financial stress in general. Here’s a bit of the article:

Here’s the full article:

How To Save Money Without Making Yourself Miserable

I was recently interviewed for this article on about why saving money is so painful.  I love talking about the intersection of finance and psychology, because they are two things in life that everyone has to deal with on a daily basis.

My favorite tip? Seek the advice of financial professionals – a lot.  And then do it again.  Because it’s hard to remember their advice, and what everything means.  As in:

Wait a minute, what’s a Roth IRA again?

And while I am a true believer of the “Ignorance is Bliss” philosophy of life, money and finance are not areas in which that approach works.  Check out the full article, along with lots of great tips here:

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