It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!
Today’s guest is Julie Jungman, she says:
The view from my back deck represents happiness, stability, and peace for me.
As I was growing up, my family moved every two years or so. From ages 0-15, I lived in six states, eight cities, and eleven houses. I attended four different elementary schools, and started a new school in a new city for 6th grade, 8th grade, and 10th grade. So, okay, you get it–I moved a lot!
For me, buying a home with my husband represented the first time I was able to establish roots of my own. We have lived at our home in Erie, Colorado since we were first married; this fall will be eleven years.
Though lots has changed for us since we bought our home (we’ve become parents to two kids since then!), our deck and view have remained a continued source of happiness for me.

Julie is married to a great guy named Chris and is mom to Cora (5) and Colin (2). She works as a licensed clinical social worker, providing integrated behavioral health at primary care offices for Boulder Community Health. Julie likes to bake, read, and watch mindless TV like Top Chef and Project Runway.