Photo by: University of Denver
I am going to tell you something I don’t normally divulge – who I was rooting for in last night’s presidential debate. The University of Denver! I am bursting with pride this morning at the coverage given to, and the job done by my graduate school alma mater. DU has been prepping for this event for a long time and they did a super job!
When I attended DU, it seemed like few people had heard of it – apart from their awesome Men’s Ice Hockey Team. My, how things have changed. Condoleeza Rice is a grad which brought DU’s International Studies program recognition; and Colorado is now center-stage as a “swing state” in this election. It feels pretty good to be getting noticed for something other than our mountains and snow for once (even though they are pretty great, too). And while the political rhetoric can be stressful and anxiety-provoking, I feel glad that at least for last night’s election I could focus on something purely positive – pride in my state and my school. Go Pioneers!

Those were the days…